My first partner, Cyranny’s Cove!


I’m proud to announce that Lucky Otters Haven has its first partner!  And so soon!  Cyranny’s Cove is a blog written by a Danophile (a person who loves Denmark and anything Danish), but she also writes about many other things too.    She’s frequently very funny.  There are also gorgeous photographs on her blog, which you’ll appreciate, if you’re a photography lover, as I am.

Cyranny’s Cove is a breath of fresh air, and she’s also been a frequent “liker” and commenter on this blog.   So, please mosey on over to the “Cove” and see what she’s up to.  Welcome to the partnership, Cyranny!

From Cyranny’s About page:

It seems some people want to know more about me, so I made a list of relevent facts that will help you understand the author of all the shenanigans you are about to read. Special you, you’ll probably be disapointed, since you are already aware of most (if not all) of it, but I’ll try to surprise you another time, if you still like surprises that is…

  1. I LOVE Denmark. If you think you know someone who loves Denmark more than me, please let me know… I’d like to battle him/her in any kind of way (except physically… yeah, meh… I’m kind of a wuss)
  2. If you can’t stand the use of the word “dang”, you’re in the wrong place…. Get out! Dang you!!
  3. There will be some occasional French posts… French being my mother tongue. Feel free to skip… They don’t make more sense than the English ones, especially after going through Googgle Translate!
  4. Did I mention my interest in Denmark? No? I LOOOVE Denmark, if Denmark was a man, I’d marry him. But to my knowledge, it is not legal yet to marry a country. Not just yet…
  5. You might come across a certain man while making your way around… Wearing a black t-shirt and kaki pants, standing in a James Bond kind of “I’m-spying-on-you” circle thing. He might look as if he’s running towards you to give you a hug. Don’t worry, he’s not dangerous. He’s silly at times, sometimes hard to follow, but always welcome in my Cove. I just ask one thing, please don’t feed him!
  6. There are some tales about wild animals… Consider yourself warned.
  7. I am training to become a Valkyrie. So be nice in your comments, or don’t leave any… You wouldn’t want me to come and get your soul when my training’s over, would you?
  8. Denmark rules! (that’s it!)
  9. I don’t trust the Internets…. So since you found me here, you might want to consider not trusting everything you read!
  10. You need a Google browser open and ready to go if you want to experience my blog to the fullest… Yeah, I’m interactive like that! Sometimes, I go the easy way and give up a link, but most of the time, I don’t…  It’s called “Google with me!”

Would you like to become a Lucky Otter Partner?


I borrowed this idea from Danny at Dream Big (I don’t think he’d mind but I did just DM him to make sure).   I would like to help promote other blogs (the type of blog you have does not matter, unless its content is offensive).  I’m especially interested in recruiting bloggers who write about mental health but this isn’t a requirement.

I feel like I’m in a position now to help others get seen and help boost their Google rankings.

If you become a Lucky Otter Partner, I will display your logo in my sidebar (you can email it to me and I will resize it so it will fit) linking to your site, which will bring you more hits to your blog.   If you have no logo, no worries.  I can design one for you and of course, will make sure it’s acceptable to you before I post it.

As a partner, I will also promote your blog in various ways — sharing posts on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and StumbleUpon, and reblogging selected articles of yours that I think would be appropriate for this blog.

I’ll also write an introductory “welcome” post about your blog when you become a partner.   I might even ask you to write a guest post (you are always welcome to say no).

I haven’t decided yet how many partners I can accommodate, but the slots would be limited.  So act now!

Send me an email ( if you are interested in this opportunity to grow your blog and I will send you the details. 

I’m looking forward to hearing from you and hope you decide take this opportunity to grow your blog and gain greater visibility!

If you’d like to help spread the word, please reblog this post or share it on your social media.  Thanks so much!