Aspergers syndrome

Although I just realized I do not have Aspergers after all, I still think these articles might be helpful to people who do. I hope so anyway.


How Does Aspergers Syndrome Differ from Non-Verbal Learning Disability (NVLD)?

Narcissists with Aspergers?

Well, This is Out of the Box Thinking…

The Spectrums of Autism and Narcissism

Aspies Rule the Internet!

People with Autism Do Not Lack Empathy!

What’s Up With This Crazy Idea That Aspergers and Narcissism are the Same Thing?

Why I Warn People I Have Aspergers

The Curse of the Aspergers/Avoidant/Borderline Triad


The “Fleas” of Narcissism and Being Aspie

My Character Flaws

My Crazy Fantasies

Switching Gears

Aspie Obsessions

My Brilliant Friends Also Have Aspergers (reblog from

I Had a Bad Day

15 Things That Introverts Will Never Tell You

Sometimes I Think I’m Really Weird

The Chatterbox and The Hermit

My Aspergers Almost Got Me Arrested!

F*ck. Why Do I Have to Post Yet Another Sam V. Article?

The Social Rules I Break (reblog from Fivehundredpoundpeep’s blog)

Respect My Boundaries!

Forever Alone

Reblog: Why Is My Life So Rotten? (article from Fivehundredpoundpeep’s blog)

Am I That Annoying or Am I Just Paranoid?

Take Your Office Christmas Party and Shove It

People Treat Me Like I’m Stupid

My Stupid Hypervigilance Again

Surviving The Holidays

My Day in Aspie Hell

Don’t Judge Me Because I’m Poor

Crybaby is my own story of trying to cope with my severe childhood attachment disorder and Aspergers at the same time.


5 thoughts on “Aspergers syndrome

  1. How similar is NLD to Aspergers? I was diagnosed with NLD but I tend to get my feelings hurt by aspies a lot and not get along with them at all.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I just stumbled on your blog this evening and I’m finding it to be very interesting. I have had an on-again/off-again relationship with a guy who definitely has narcissistic tendencies. He fits the vulnerable variety to a “T”. His mother, sister, and I are convinced that he is bipolar, and I think narcissism is a reflection of his inability to deal with the fact that he is “mental” and attaching himself to the label and stigma of mental illness is more than he can bear. Every once in awhile there’s a crack in the mask but most of the time he swings back and forth between self medicating with alcohol, drugs, and food and being self-disciplined on an a-hole level. I suspect I fall under the umbrella of being hyper-sensitive but I also tend to be cerebral about things and don’t tend to show my emotions. My family is Swedish and, as a culture, Swedes can seem cold and lack empathy. From what I’ve read, it’s out of a desire to avoid conflict and mind one’s own business. I have definitely had my share of emotional abuse from him but my worldview (and my family’s) is so different from his that, after a terrifying bout of depression and despair, I developed some thicker skin and, an interest in the way our society deals with mental illness, and a curiosity about the rabbit hole I had fallen into. (I have my own set of social issues myself: I definitely have ADD, chronic depression with SAD, and probably some tendencies that would fall into the Autism spectrum.) We still have a relationship of sorts but my expectations of the relationship have changed and I have found a freedom in being myself without apologies. I have always been a people-pleaser, but his expectations can be so ridiculous and illogical that I’ve gotten better about not following my gut reaction to take it personally and not letting my identity hinge on his expectations and his version of reality. This new approach is poking all kinds of holes in his mask.
    I haven’t read very far in but I’m wondering what you think about the relationship between narcissism and bipolar disorder.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hello! I just read your reply. Thanks for sharing about your relationship. If he is a narcissist, fragile or not, it is going to take a toll on you. Obviously I would recommend not continuing a relationship with him, but at least you are aware of his narcissism and aren’t allowing it to control you. When and if he realizes this HE may leave the relationship (devalue and discard). If he is bipolar, sometimes the mood swings can look a lot like fragile (covert) narcissism. He may also have BPD, which looks a lot like rapid-cylcling bipolar illness. I’ll have to give the issue of the relationship between narcissism and bipolar some thought–perhaps in the future I’ll write an article about it. I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog!


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