Are Christians Being Persecuted During the Christmas Season?

One more from JWB!   How right Tim is!

I remember last Christmas, some Christians got their panties in a bunch over Starbucks cups not having Christmas decorations on them.  They called this persecution.  *Facepalm*

Oh noes!  It’s a war on Christmas!


The cups have snowflakes on them this year.   Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus even demand his birthday be celebrated (which isn’t his actual birthday anyway).   Christmas wasn’t celebrated by the early Christians.

“The first recorded date of Christmas being celebrated on December 25th was in 336, during the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine (he was the first Christian Roman Emperor). A few years later, Pope Julius I officially declared that the birth of Jesus would be celebrated on the 25th December.”


Some Christians have even opted out of celebrating Christmas because of how commercialized and secular it’s become (and I’m not just referring to Jehovah’s Witnesses). It’s becoming an increasingly common thing.

It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around people getting all bent out of shape because some throwaway coffee cups don’t have holiday oops — Christmas, decorations on them.  What the heck do snowflakes have to do with the birth of Christ, anyway?  There was no snow in Bethlehem or the desert around it.  There certainly weren’t any reindeer or coniferous trees.  Jesus wasn’t born in Scandinavia or Siberia (where you might expect to find those things), or even central Europe.  My point?  Snowflakes, reindeer, Santa Claus, Christmas trees — those are all purely secular.  How is their absence on everyday objects proof of Christian persecution?   You tell me.

Silly things like coffee cups, or saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” are NOT persecution.   How come 40 or 50 years ago, people could say “Seasons Greetings” or “Happy Holidays” and no one batted an eyelash?  How come Jews don’t get all sulky even though most of us aren’t going around saying “Happy Chanukah” and there have never been little dreidels or Stars of David printed all over disposable coffee cups?

Jesus Without Baggage

Thanksgiving is behind us and the Christmas season is now officially underway. Do you know any Christians who feel persecuted by others during this season?

Here is a simple chart you can share with them to determine whether or not they really are being persecuted. I got it from another blogger and this is the fourth year I have posted it.

I think the analysis still applies.

persecution chart

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8 thoughts on “Are Christians Being Persecuted During the Christmas Season?

  1. Thanks for the reblog, Lucky. I have seen a good bit of activity from it on my blog. By the way, I love your graphic; I am borrowing it to use next year.

    How about that Starbuck’s cup controversy last year. That was a real hoot!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You are wrong about one thing. Jesus was obviously born in Europe. Can’t you tell that from his blue eyes, long brown hair and fair skin. You obviously haven’t seen his pictures.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Say what you want, I still wake up in cold sweats and experience massive pain and suffering after having horrible nightmares about that red Starbucks cup. 😉


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