Sorry, Trump supporter, I can’t be your friend anymore.


Cartoon Credit: Unknown.


A few days ago, I unfriended an old Facebook friend because I couldn’t handle her constant pro-Trump memes and posts anymore.  Later, she asked me why I unfriended her.  I decided to be honest.  She replied that she thought I was being silly for unfriending people over something as shallow as politics.

But she missed the point.   I didn’t unfriend her because I didn’t agree with her politics.  Because it’s not about mere politics.  It’s not about Democrat vs. Republican.   It’s not about liberal vs. conservative.   It’s not about right vs. left.

It’s about good vs. evil.

It’s about whether you’re on the side of the bullies and sociopaths and applaud their scorched earth terrorist tactics vs.  being a decent fucking human being.  It’s about whether you’re on the side of a wealthy group of selfish criminals vs.  the average Joes and Janes just trying to get by.

So, if you still support the dictator sitting in the White House, you are supporting evil, and I can no longer be your friend.

I can handle mere differences of ideology, and in normal times, I have.   I used to have friends who were George W. Bush or Reagan supporters, though I never voted for either of them.  I could respect your differing opinion and agree to disagree with you, without it affecting our friendship, because I still knew that you were a good and decent person.

But if you still support Trump,  I’m not at all sure you’re a good and decent person, and you’re certainly not anyone I’d call a friend.

A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who separates children from their parents, many of whose parents were applying for asylum legally.

A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who puts young children in cages.

A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who wants to take away my healthcare.

A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who threatens to steal away the social security I’ve been paying into since 1976, leaving me penniless in my final years.

A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who threatens to steal away the Medicare I’ve been paying into since 1976, leaving me without healthcare in my final years, possibly to die penniless and in great pain.

A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who’s packing the courts with patriarchal  hardline conservatives who are waging war on women’s reproductive rights, not only threatening to overturn Roe v. Wade, but also outlawing certain forms of birth control. Their decisions will affect my daughter, who has medical issues that would make pregnancy very high risk and possibly dangerous for her.

A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who wants to bring back pre-existing conditions, making it impossible for my daughter, who has several medical conditions, to access healthcare — or for me to access healthcare, for that matter.

A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who is appointing hard-right judges who want to outlaw gay marriage and make gay people undergo conversion therapy or return to the closet.   That affects my son, who will no longer be free to live in a way that makes him happy or love the person he chooses.

A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who bullies the disabled.

A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who calls people who disagree with him unflattering names.

A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who has shown zero respect for women or POC.

A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who constantly gaslights his own people.

A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who thumbs his nose at the rule of law every single day.

A friend of mine doesn’t support a pathological liar.

A friend of mine doesn’t support a malignant narcissist who only cares about his own image and his own wealth — at the expense of the American people.

A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who admires the most brutal and inhumane despots and dictators of our time and aspires to be just like them.

A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who emboldens bullying  (by riling up his base at his rallies and inciting violence toward groups of people he dislikes)

A friend of mine doesn’t support a fascist who is destroying democracy and systematically shredding our 242 year old Constitution and Bill of Rights into so much hamster bedding.

A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who causes my PTSD to be triggered every freaking day.

A friend of mine doesn’t aid and abet evil, and that’s what you’re doing when you support Trump.

So, Trump supporter, those are just some of the reasons why we can’t be friends.

Sorry but that’s just how it has to be.

I’ll end this rant with the same words you like to spit at us “libtards” and “snowflakes” —

Get over it.

30 thoughts on “Sorry, Trump supporter, I can’t be your friend anymore.

    • Hugs are very much needed atm. Especially after the horrible news today about the SCOTUS appointments. We are sinking fast.
      I feel like I’m on the Titanic and all the lifeboats are gone.

      Liked by 1 person

      • So, Kennedy announced a few months ago that he was going to retire in June. I wasn’t blindsided about it. However, the important thing is to keep being angry (ugh) and vote. I know it’s hard to keep hope. But there are many good people who are screaming as loud as they can and that is our best chance.
        And until then, we just take each day as we can. Look for the helpers:) And take some time for self care. Definitely a lot of that 💙💙

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thank you. All I can do is pray and VOTE! I also hope that just one of my posts changes just one mind. If that happens, I consider that a huge victory and a miracle too!

          Liked by 1 person

          • That’s a really good hope. And I’m not saying it’s impossible, just slow. My husband had a very strong supporter friend who now is almost as liberal as I am because he finally understood why we were so concerned. It took over a year, but it finally worked.
            We just keep resisting and change will come. We may have to get brutally honest with ourselves, but it will come.

            Liked by 1 person

  1. Same here… I’ve been unfriending and blocking people left and right. As well as calling out those who call themselves Christians. Where is their humanity? Empathy? I’m a Christian and I learned that Jesus said love thy neighbor. Love one another as I love you. But yet these same supposed Christians are all right with what is going on. And trying to justifying what is going on with these babies. It seems they have a double standard and interpret the words of the Bible as they see fit. I am so sick of the hypocrisy. I’d be your friend for all of the reasons you stated above. You have 1,000% nailed it!


    • Their twisted version of Christianity is a perversion and even a reversal of anything Jesus taught and is not actually Christianity at all. It’s certainly not of God. “Dominionism” — which I have written about before and scares the living daylights out of me, is truly “Christian Sharia” — an unholy mashup of prosperity theology, Ayn Randism, Old Testament law, extreme Calvinism, new age religion, and sorcery/witchcraft. Jesus is never really the focus, and his name is used only so they can call themselves Christian. They are far from it. Mostly they are a far right extremist political agenda hding behind religion. Many evangelical and charismatic churches have been infected by the dominionist movement, and their leaders have attained high places in our government. Their agenda is to turn us into a theocracy. Christian Taliban. We are well on our way. Handmaid’s Tale may become reality very soon, especially with the very real threat to women’s reproductive rights with these new SCOTUS appointments. Yeah, we are screwed.


  2. It’s so sad, I feel the same, I don’t want to be with long time friends because they are backing bigotry, hatred, bullying, destroying democracy , so I must assume they are bigots and filled with hatred for anyone who is not like them . I really have lost all respect for them

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s sad that we are so divided. I look at people and in my mind, judge if they like Trump or not, and like/dislike them based on something they may not even be. I no longer see fellow Americans as countrymen and women, but as potential allies or enemies.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Unfortunately we are in a fight for democracy. Especially women and anyone who is not white male Christian. We can either go with the flow and watch our rights that we have worked hard for erode or stand up be heard. If Trump is able to choose a new Supreme Court Justice it will be the end of women’s, immigrants , and LGBT rights and all that America stands for.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Absolutely. They will also eventually marginalize/punish anyone who isn’t the “right kind” of Christian — that means Catholics, Methodists, liberal Protestants, Unitarians, and any other Christian denomination/sect that actually tries to follow Jesus and not the prosperity gospel/evangelical/dominionist preachers. (“Taliban” Chritsianity)

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  3. I haven’t had to unfriend anybody, yet, but several of the groups on Face Book where I’m active are focused on mental health issues and have admins (including me on two of them) who keep the focus on the main subject without political or religious proselytizing. That said, it really does come down to good and evil. Justice Kennedy’s retirement hit me today like a gut punch, but I’m not surprised on reflection. His opinions, whether concurring or not, have been sounding like those of a very weary man. I can only imagine what the debates in chambers over the recent cases must have been like. Be all that as it may, we cannot afford to give in to depression and discouragement. That is exactly what they want us to do.


  4. Reblogged this on My World and commented:
    I also feel the same way. I used to give them the benefit of the doubt but now either you are an idiot or you just are a hateful person.


  5. “She replied that she thought I was being silly for unfriending people over something as shallow as politics.”
    She just admitted her politics are “shallow.” Interesting.
    “I can handle mere differences of ideology, and in normal times, I have. I used to have friends who were George W. Bush or Reagan supporters, though I never voted for either of them….
    “A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who separates children from their parents, many of whose parents were applying for asylum legally.
    “A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who puts young children in cages.
    “A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who wants to take away my healthcare.
    “A friend of mine doesn’t support a man who threatens to steal away the social security I’ve been paying into since 1976, leaving me penniless in my final years.”
    But Bush tried to take away our Social Security just as Trump is trying to. Reagan and every Republican since has made dismantling the safety net their mission in life. I don’t think we can separate ideology from morality. I don’t claim the moral high ground. I support political policies that benefit me. As a member of the 99%, left-wing, progressive, liberal policies benefit me. I depend on the social safety net as do most of us. Many Trump supporters do too. Many of them are on Social Security and Medicare. They would be up shit creek if they lost those benefits. They must be deeply stupid to support a president and a party that wants to take them away. I loath and despise Trump supporters because I cannot countenance stupidity. I don’t know about “good vs. evil.” Trump is evil because he threatens my well being. If I were rich, I may well think differently.
    Have you seen my latest diatribe about “evil?”


    • Sure, they’ve been threatening the safety net for a long time, but now they are very close to actually dismantling it. They are following Koch Brothers script and are almost there. Scary, scary!

      No, I’ll check out your link. Thank you.


  6. I might have to steal this sometime- credit will be given. I’ve been a conservative my whole life, and just because I point out that Trump is the most dishonest, unqualified train wreck of a president we’ve ever had, I’m suddenly called a “libtard.” It’s flabbergasting.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Both of *those* people flew high-performance aircraft. (Bush, et al)

        You cannot manipulate your way around the laws of physics when flying. You either acknowledge those laws, and operate in accordance with them – or you die.

        Liked by 2 people

  7. the irony,, clintons a psychopath…you do know that right?
    a proper narciisit ..emoty smile and vicous heart?
    lol…yu people are ridiculous,, you are being gaslit by your media,, you really are…
    and you are in the minority,,, did you see how much worse it was under obama? this immigration thing? look at eurpoe..we were not stoic and now are children are raped by muslims gangs, london is the murder capital of the western workd, swedens fishing villages now have sharia patrols and women dare not walk at night.
    you lunatic americans supposing trump some sort of nazi when hes actually repellling at otal invasion of your country?
    you deride him for aqclling ms13 animals,, you hate him because he prosecutes people who have quite literally iunvaded your conyry,, can i come over and get welfar etoo?# can i just move to america and decide i want to stay? you relaise if everyone did that you would be fucked?
    look at euroie..
    and still they come and still the lefties help themm,, this is global,, terrifiyng and the russians wont stand for it, nor the chines nor the japanese, and when things get bad in the usa? canada might twig on that opening your borders means you get most of the pople othwer countries do not want,,


  8. So beautifully written-I feel the same -it isn’t about politics anymore-it is about good vs.evil-thank you for writing this…


  9. I couldn’t agree more about Trump and could never have considered voting for him. But here’s a guy who did vote for him for reasons I relate to and deeply respect. Turns out he was wrong, of course, about any redeeming features in Trump. But what he said during the heat of the campaign about the alternative we were given rings painfully true, at least to this aging Boomer leftist. Should we cut off all communication with Adam Walinsky and those who voted like him FOR THE REASONS HE GIVES?

    Liked by 1 person

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