Checking in!


This is a VERY short post so no one worries about me, since it’s been almost a week since I last posted.

We are here in Clearwater Beach, FL having a WONDERFUL time.  I’m very frustrated at the moment though, because I just made my first little video of the moving Gulf water after sunset and the interesting patterns it was making, but even though it’s possible to post it here, it isn’t possible to remove my real name from the video (which I have never used on this blog).   So I won’t be able to post it after all.  Grrrr!    Trust me, it was very cool.   If I can find a way to remove my identifying info, I’ll definitely put it here.

I have about a gazillion photos, so I’ll be writing a longer post using some of those pictures in the next few days, or I just might wait until I get home on Sunday.   It’s so nice to see my son and swim in the warm Gulf waters again.

The picture you see above is from Anclote Key, a remote sandbar several miles out into the Gulf of Mexico and accessible only by boat.  More about that later!

I hope all of you are well. See you again soon!


8 thoughts on “Checking in!

  1. Hi Lucky Otter, I’m glad you are enjoying Our big swimming pool…. minus the gators.
    Truth is, I can’t believe you come all that way and didn’t enter OUR swimming pool through the front door, and that is Texas.
    Otter, have you got a computer with you? I mean at least a notebook with Windows on it?
    Load the video on your computer, and put it in a folder under VIDEOS, like for example, Videos/TexasSwPool. Now make a subfolder under that like Videos/TexasSwPool/TSP Wrk/.
    Now COPY the video(Yes Copy, in case this goes wrong) anyway, copy the video to the wrk folder.
    NOW, go to the wrk folder and RIGHT CLICK the video, select PROPERTIES, go to the GENERAL tab first, take off READ ONLY(if selected), then select APPLY, select UNBLOCK, then select APPLY, OK, then the box right where you are on the GENERAL tab that says ADVANCED, select ADVANCED, you will see ADVANCED ATTRIBUTES come up, if anything has a check mark unselect all, click OK, the box will close, then select APPLY.
    Almost there Otter, OK, at the top, the TABS say GENERAL, SECURITY, DETAILS, and PREVIOUS VERSIONS.
    Select DETAILS, and you will see 2 columns with the headings PROPERTY and VALUE.
    Then you will see this is divided into different areas, the first being DESCRIPTION, with about 5 things listed: TITLE, SUBTITLE, etc…
    The next is VIDEO, with about 6 things listed, LENGTH, FRAME WIDTH, FRAME HEIGHT, DATA RATE, etc…
    The next is AUDIO, with about 3 things listed, BIT RATE, CHANNELS, and AUTO SAMPLE RATE.
    The next 4 are MEDIA, ORIGIN, CONTENT, and FILE.
    Under the box, right above OK, CANCEL, APPLY, you will see “Remove Properties and Personal Information” written in blue and underlined, just like a link.
    Select this LINK….
    This will open another box just like the one I just described above, except this says REMOVE PROPERTIES at the top.
    You will see 4 lines of information, but this is getting long and it is late, so, you will see the 3rd line selected:
    the 4th line is the one I nearly always use
    If you select the last, you will see BOXES appear next to the things you can remove, so select the ones you wish removed, and hit APPLY. Then select OK.
    All that remains is to reopen PROPERTIES on the COPY OF THE VIDEO and check to see what you can see, the RUN THE COPY AND CHECK IT.
    Have a great, safe time Lucky Otter, and Thank You for being YOU and also for being such an important part of Our Circle.

    PS – Uh.. Otter, will I get in trouble if I hide in the your bushes and growl like a big mean dog after dark????


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