Early morning musings about where we are now…and where we are going.



I’ve been so active in the Twitter resistance community, that I’ve neglected blogging.

The resistance community on Twitter has become my lifeline and I’m completely addicted. Today, I’d like to share an early morning thread I posted. Having written this in a semi-awake state (pre-covfefe!), this was written from my heart more than from my brain, which hasn’t fully kicked in yet (still waiting for the covfefe to do its magic).

1. Sometimes I want to live long enough to see my country become a shining light on the hill again, sadly I don’t see that happening for a very long time, much longer than the 25-30 or so years I probably have left (if I’m lucky). But, 90 (the same age my dad died) seems like a good time to bow out.

2. I just don’t want to leave this world with my country in such disarray and possibly a totalitarian regime. I would worry about my kids and possible future grandkids. It would make me very sad to pass on without seeing a big change for the better.

3. That’s why it’s so important to me we turn around Congress/Senate back to the Democrats. Even if Trump is still president (god forbid), he will be able to do little damage if the GOP is out. All I want is to see my country back to what it was (or better!) so I can die happy and be assured the future for my descendants is a hopeful or even bright one.

4. I’m old enough to remember when fairness and compassion mattered. I want to see a return to that. Reaganism pretty much ruined all that. We are now finally paying the piper for 40 years of craven selfishness, runaway societal narcissism, and greed. At least people are finally waking up to the damage Reaganism ultimately caused.

5. That said, I do see signs that the tide is beginning to turn. But make no mistake, we have the fight of our life in front of us. Things always get worse before they improve. I do think in the end, justice and goodness will prevail, but the road is going to get bumpy for all of us. Strap in and hang on tight! Have courage! Don’t cave, for that’s what our enemies (and they are enemies!) are counting on.


6. My biggest take away from all this is that I’ve come to realize I care deeply about my country and am willing to die for it, if necessary. That’s a big improvement from the apathy and cynicism I used to feel. I see this all over and it’s very encouraging! I’m also learning more about history than I ever did in all my years of schooling. What an education this has been!

7. Finally, as dysfunctional and scary as our country has become, we are watching history unfold and we are all part of it, whether we want to be or not. We are living in interesting times. That can be either a curse or a blessing, depending on how you frame it and whether you choose to get involved or succumb.

8. I won’t lie though. I’d give anything for my news to be boring again. With Godspeed, maybe one day soon it will be again.

9. A hot cup of Covfefe and a banana nut muffin helps.

5 thoughts on “Early morning musings about where we are now…and where we are going.

  1. Where is a resistance community on Twitter? What is your user name on Twitter? I want to follow you if I’m not already. “Shining city on the hill” is one of those phrases that are like nails on a blackboard. Sarah Palin used that phrase, quoting Reagan. I don’t think we were ever that, although this country certainly used to be a lot better than it is now. We have always been taught that genocide and slavery are two of the worst things in the world. Yet our precious founding fathers presided over both. You’re right. Reagan started the direction we are in, the demolition of the New Deal. What is Covfefe? I googled it but I still don’t understand.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You follow me! LOL! I change my name a lot — right now I am “Irate Wolf.” I’m under @orangepeel18 as always. You can also access my Twitter feed in the sidebar on this blog.


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