Maybe Trump’s election is the BEST thing that could have happened!


I know what you’re probably thinking.  You probably think I must have finally snapped.  That I’ve given into Stockholm Syndrome and now identify with the enemy.   You’re  maybe even thinking about hitting the “backspace” key,  writing me off as a traitor to my left wing ideals — or at the very least writing me off as a typical unstable, waffling Borderline  who blows hot and cold depending on my mood and can’t stick to my beliefs.

None of these are actually true (though I do feel a little crazy!)

Please hear me out.   It’s not what you’re probably thinking at all.   I still can’t stand Trump.  I can’t stand his personality, his racism, his sexism, his entitlement, his malignant narcissism, the way he insults those who aren’t exactly like him.   Hell, I can’t stand his FACE.  I can barely stand looking at his smug orange mug, his bloated body, and his ridiculous peach-colored toupee.

But more than anything else, I can’t stand his LACK of any real principles or ideals.   Donald Trump is a man who cares about nothing.  He has waffled on everything from abortion to Planned Parenthood to gay rights to roles of women to Obamacare to globalism.    The only thing he seems to have any passion about is keeping foreigners OUT.  And even that could change tomorrow.

Why?  Because Donald Trump is a textbook case of NPD.   Narcissists at his level of malignancy have no ideals or real beliefs of their own, because they don’t care about ideals and beliefs.   Donald Trump has no God; he regards himself as God.  Hell, he even admitted he has never asked God’s forgiveness because he doesn’t need to.   Yet evangelical churches are threatening their congregations with hellfire if they didn’t vote for him.

Although I’m a die-hard liberal (not necessarily a Democrat, more of a democratic socialist, third-party voter type, although I did cave in and vote for Hillary at the end), I can still respect a man or woman who has opposite views to my own, no matter how conservative, as long as they truly believe that what they stand for is right.    If they believe that their ideologies are the best thing for all Americans, even if they aren’t.    I didn’t agree with Ronald Reagan’s or George W. Bush’s policies AT ALL, but I believe that deep down, these were good men, trying to do what was best for the country.   They CARED.  They weren’t promoting their policies for their own glory and fame (or at least not completely), but because they believed in those policies.   So I can respect someone like Reagan or Bush, even if I disagreed with them.

Donald Trump is a man with NO principles, NO real beliefs (except in himself), NO ethics, no true ideology.   He stands for nothing.  He is a man without a conscience, without empathy, who thinks nothing of insulting entire populations of Americans who are different than he is.   He has shamelessly pandered to the Christian right knowing they would vote Republican no matter what (especially when he uses the anti-abortion and anti-homosexuality rhetoric to get those votes), but he himself is not a Christian (although he says he is, I do not believe him).  His actions, deeds and words are anything but Christian.    Donald Trump believes in nothing, except perhaps, that he is the Second Coming.

Psychiatrists have broken their own rule to never diagnose anyone they haven’t met in person and given a formal psychiatric evaluation.  The media and Internet is abuzz with respected mental health professionals declaring that Donald Trump is a textbook case of NPD.  One psychiatrist even said there was no better example of a high-spectrum narcissist than Donald Trump, who he believes possesses all nine DSM criteria.  This psychiatrist has actually used clips of Trump’s speeches to use in his graduate and college psychology classes to show what someone with a bad case of NPD acts like.

The exciting week ahead and my fears about that.  

On Sunday night, through Thursday, I will be attending a conference in Chapel Hill and Raleigh that will cover Christian principles in dealing with and healing disorders caused by trauma, such as PTSD, C-PTSD, DID, and personality disorders.

As I described in this post, it’s truly uncanny how every obstacle I was facing to be able to attend  this conference (and there were a LOT of obstacles — the possibility of my being able to attend seemed very remote) were moved aside.    Donations came out of nowhere.   Even my boss gave me her blessing, even though I have no vacation time coming up.   I’ll even get my lost pay replaced by a kind donation.     I prayed a lot about this beforehand and then suddenly all these obstacles were lifted.  I couldn’t believe how easy it was.

But I still had a lot of doubts and misgivings.  Even after I researched the program I’ll be attending (HeartSync) and found nothing negative written about it, other worries began to plague me.   I’m socially awkward and shy in person; what if I didn’t fit in?  What if the other attendees (most who are probably more well to do than me) didn’t like me?   What if they regarded me as too low-class, too poor, too shy, or just too weird?   What if they didn’t like my rather shabby clothes, my unstyled hair, my old car, my cheap baggage?

I also admit I felt nervous about staying in a hotel room for 4 – 5 days with a woman I have only talked to a few times on the phone and in email.   What if we didn’t hit it off, in spite of her incredible generosity and kindness?  Maybe she would change her mind about me and decide we had nothing in common.  As someone who has often been disappointed by others and has often been bullied, dismissed, or rejected by other people, I’m hypervigilant and nervous about those things happening, about not being accepted or included.    I’ve been programmed to think this way, and although it’s slowly changing as I begin to like and respect myself more, I still fall back into that way of thinking so easily, especially when I’m triggered.

I decided that instead of holding my feelings to myself, to approach my new friend with with my concerns.   I felt it was better to get all that out in the open and talk about it, than worry and fret that I might be an outcast or not fit in (and then act in ways that might bring on rejection).  I was reassured that this was a healing seminar, with plenty of people suffering from PTSD and other disorders that caused their self esteem to take a nosedive, and there are Christian therapists there to talk to should I feel triggered in any way.


All this was very reassuring, but when my new friend told me she was happy about Trump’s election, I was initially tempted to tell her to forget the whole thing, return her generous donation, because no way could I room with a Trump supporter when I’m still so triggered by his election a few days ago.

But then my friend told me something positively mind-bending.  What she said was something I don’t think I would ever have thought of on my own, but I believe she’s onto something big here.

She said she couldn’t stand either of the candidates (which I couldn’t either) and like many, didn’t vote for either of them.   She assured me she does not like Trump and agrees that he is a malignant narcissist without principles who doesn’t really believe in anything except himself.

Mass education about NPD is the way out of this mess.

But she said that his election was a wonderful thing, because it will–and already is–educating the general public about NPD and malignant narcissism.   As of right now, only mental health professionals and people who read narcissism blogs on the Internet really know anything about this disorder.  Trump is, by default, going to make narcissism a household word–not in the current misguided belief that it means taking selfies — but the true meaning of NPD–a person so damaged they must project their pathology onto others, develop a false self to fool others and puff themselves up, can tolerate no criticism, and attack anyone they believe is against them.

As Trump progresses during his presidency, we are going to witness Trump’s obvious mental and emotional instability as he attempts to fill a role so over his level of experience it’s laughable.  He will almost certainly fail.   My friend believes there are still enough checks and balances to keep him from doing any real damage.   Most narcissists are all talk and no action anyway.   As he blunders about and rants and rages,  we are going to be hearing and reading more and more about NPD and how it was the rise of narcissism that brought this country to where it is and finally allowed its poster boy–Donald Trump–to be elected.

Trump is likely to accomplish nothing except one very important thing: his unstable, borderline-crazy behavior will begin to make people realize that we have sunk so low as to elect a sociopathic narcissist as our president.   That in itself might be a wake up call for us all, and could start the pendulum swinging back toward the support of candidates showing more empathy, compassion, and a sense of fairness and justice, who have real beliefs and care about America and the world.   We are all going to be learning a lot about narcissism.  There is still a lot of ignorance and misunderstandings about this personality disorder.

As the tide begins to turn, and people realize we have elected someone who does not care about anyone but himself,  people will begin to give each other what they hope to see in a leader during other times — compassion, caring, and helping each other.

Education–in this case a worldwide crash course in malignant NPD and its devastating effects when one is allowed to rise as far as Trump has–is what is so sorely needed right now.    Perhaps without Trump’s election, we would never get that far-reaching education and people would remain ignorant.

As depressed as I’ve been over the past several days over Trump’s win, I’m looking at things now in a whole new light and feel completely ready to attend this seminar, which in some way I don’t understand right now, has everything to do with what I just learned.

23 thoughts on “Maybe Trump’s election is the BEST thing that could have happened!

  1. I was reading a thread on my FB and one of the comments said something akin to: If HRC would have been president, I would have stopped fighting, content with progress, but now I feel honor bound to keep pushing for the things I’ve been fighting for all along. And I feel like that’s an excellent outlook-seeing your post reminded me:)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reagan and Bush are good people? I think Bush has shown enough indications of his cynicism and hypocrisy to disprove any indication of “sincerity.” Reagan, on the other hand, may well have been sincere. That made him truly dangerous, in my opinion. You can do business with a corrupt hypocrite. A sincere zealot whose values are really bad is something else again. Reagan harmed the country deeply. Thank gods that Trump is corrupt and hypocritical. That will save us, not the system of checks and balances. He will be able to appoint several Supreme Court Justices. He has a Republican House. Checks and balances are not strong. But his own corruption and the shadow government, whatever you want to call it, the 1%, is probably going to keep him from going off the deep end. And so many Republicans are on Social Security and Medicare that I feel fairly safe. Because he is NOT a zealot. Let’s hope he stays healthy. His Vice President is scary.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Change | The Dependent Independent

  4. In answer to a previous post (which also, indirectly, relates to this one, seeing how the bandersnatch is a ‘secular witch-equivalent’)

    Thelema is not a person, but a system of hermetic ceremonial magic, concocted by that smelly wretch A. Crowley. (As you might guess, I’m not enthused by the practice or that ‘smelly wretch’)

    How it relates to our more current ‘smelly wretch’: since he’s a social predator, he’s *more* in touch with the unconscious-driven zero-sum game known as ‘the social world’ -where everything is ‘social/political/Machiavellian, and the whole of life is a matter of dominance, power and control’.

    Magick is all about power, and the magician’s ultimate goal is to become ***god***. (Which the bandersnatch believes he’s effectively become, courtesy of his most-effectual deception and manipulation skills). One acquires spiritual power (if one is a magician) by the precise same process; which means the successful ‘magician’ must think and act like a social predator – and, should said magician become inhabited (with one or more familiar spirits) – he or she is very likely to act more like such a predator.

    In extreme cases, heavy infestation (of spirits) can look remarkably like frank ’30+ on the pcl-r’ ***psychopathy*** – including the practice of serial murders/human sacrifice.

    Now, a question: is the bandersnatch inhabited? If not currently – will he become so?


  5. I actually made the same comment about Trump being a teaching tool on a NPD victim support YouTube Channel just last night! (Ollie Mathews channel). He was commenting about people leaving nasty comments about Trump getting elected (in the comment section of his site).
    Here it is:
    “The only people who would come to a self help site for narcissistic abuse survival and mouth off, threaten to unsubscribe,etc, and criticize you about your political views (regardless of what they might be) are either narcissistic trollers or people with those huge N. fleas picked up by living among N’s for years! I was shocked when he won but I actually believe Trump might bring some much needed attention to the plight of narcissism and what it is…and what it isn’t. Most normal people think it’s solely about vanity. We know it’s not about that at all, don’t we? It’s a sad waste of human lives and human potential.”
    It might just put our traumas out there.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good for you! I love your comment. He’s already showing how unqualified he is but he just had to have that title, didn’t he? I think he’s gonna be more like some kind of figurehead but let other people actually do his job for him while he sits in his carriage and crown and purple robes (actually no clothes at all since he’s the emperor without any) and waves to everyone as he passes. lol


  6. If one is a magic(k)ian, the appearance of the thing is its sole function, for it is by impression-management that things are done in the magical / social domain.

    The bandersnatch treats more or less everything (and everyone) as a means-to-an-end – as an objectified tool – in short, as a fetish.

    Just like a magic(k)ian / shaman / bokor (malevolent Vodoun sorcerer).

    Liked by 1 person

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