A Covert Narcissist’s Worst Nightmare, by Anonymous.

I saw this today and thought it was brilliant and creative, so I’m reposting it. I’m pretty sure it was meant to be tongue-in-cheek. πŸ˜‰

A Covert Narcissist’s Worst Nightmare

By Anonymous.


You wake up one day and all the people who once respected and liked you, and gave you supply — supply that gave you esteem and a sense of self — have turned against you, because they found out you were a Narcissist, and now they’ve actually all conspired together, in an attempt to systematically destroy your false-self, because “that’s what’s best for you honey.” Your family ostracizes you. Your work is no longer valued. Any attempt to garner supply from others is met with contempt and slights and ridicule. Now every innocuous glance and comment is an attempt to put you down. Rage just pushes people away, as does snapping and hurting others. Your inwardly-constructed personal reality and persecutory delusions that originally took the blame off yourself, and upheld your false self, begin to falter, and you focus more on your deeply wounded true-self.

So you buy a Ferrari and drive around and associate with your fellow yuppies, trying to look cool and make others think so too, but they just see you as trying too hard, and all your associates stop hanging out with you, because they don’t think you’re worthy anymore. “Mr. Nobody” is your new nickname. Even your attempts to get supply on social media is met with zero likes.

Turning inward to fantasy (violent and grandiose) and narcissistic withdrawal, and numbness, you try to generate supply from the inside, which works for a while, until even that fails. Taking drugs and getting drunk to escape from the nightmare just makes things worse. No matter what you do, you can’t ever get any more supply.

Everyone sees how fake you are, including your friends; they see you are over-exposed and vulnerable. It turns out no one appreciates you anymore, probably because they were all narcs themselves. You try to fight it, but you know it’s the truth. You feel the very essence of who you are break apart — pure ego death — and there is nothing you can do about it. You know that the only way to feel alive is to get gratification from others, and in the end — you can’t get it at all, and suicide seems like the only option. (My note–Please don’t do this if you have NPD and lost all your supply–go get some professional help ASAP!)

But then it turns out it was all just a bad dream, like the ending of “Click”, and you go on living your life the way you always did, using others to pump up your false self, blissfully unaware of your own inadequacies.

10 thoughts on “A Covert Narcissist’s Worst Nightmare, by Anonymous.

  1. WONDERFUL! (and thanks for adding the note about getting help vs. suicide – very kind and most appropriate)
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore dot com)
    – ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”

    Liked by 1 person

        • I absolutely agree. Narcissism is such a dark and depressing subject that it’s good to post something a little lighter and even funny for a change. That’s why I keep a Narcissist Joke page-not to insult or demean people with this disorder, but being able to joke about it makes it less scary and seems to give them a little less power over us.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Humor about any mental health/neuro- topic is a tricky bit of business.

            We all need it desperately, or every post would seem like either a rant or a dive into a depressive wallow, but some people are so sensitive and personalize so easily that it sometimes causes unintended damage.

            I walk the line as carefully as I can, crossing my fingers and saying little prayers when I hit that publish button.

            Truthfully – there ARE humorous things about most disorders if we are willing to look (along with a lot of hassles, etc.). Personally, I do my dead level best to look on the brighter side for a bit of balance.

            Still, I must admit that the “oooh, shiny” jokes about ADD are beyond tiresome.

            Liked by 1 person

            • I haven’t heard the “ooh, shiny” jokes about ADD but then that isn’t a disorder I know a lot or read much about so I guess I woudn’t have heard them. Yes, I agree you have to be careful not to offend. That’s why on my Joke page, I have a pretty long disclaimer. Someone did get VERY offended, and it was really a response to that, but I kept it there to make it clear my intention isn’t to troll or make fun of people with NPD.

              Liked by 1 person

            • The “shiny” jokes are focusing on the distractibility component that plagues most of us. It does provide a few funny moments (like the time I finally located my purse in the freezer after looking for it for some time ???) πŸ™‚ But it’s past time to retire a few worn-out jokes about it!

              I have a ton of pins on my ADD/EFD LOL board on Pinterest, hoping to prime the pump and promote blogs, etc. that find other ways to be funny, but old memes die hard, I guess.

              NPD is probably the disorder that is most difficult to feel sympathy towards for *most* people – so I really think humor provides a valuable service in that regard. Good for you.

              Liked by 1 person

            • Thanks! Also thanks for explaining the “shiny” joke–it makes sense now! I admit I giggled at your story about the purse in he freezer. I’m sure it’s really no laughing matter though.

              Liked by 1 person

            • Actually, that one was pretty funny, even to me (and I finally figured out how it happened when I mentally retraced my steps).

              But it IS a real pain to have to guard against chronic distractions in our crazy/busy info-overload world to be able to get much of anything DONE. People who are able to get distracted and shift back easily rarely understand that all brains aren’t built that way.

              Now that I live alone, my biggest distractions are internal – I seem to have a bazillion thoughts competing in simulcast. It helps to understand what is going on – ie. WHY – but not much. πŸ™‚ That’s why so many of us hyperfocus, IMHO – but that’s an entire blog article yet to be written. πŸ™‚

              PS. How do I locate your jokes page? It didn’t come up on search.

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