My guiltiest guilty pleasure.

I hate most commercial snack cakes.  But there’s just something about these I can’t resist.   The Twinkie-like cake filled with snow-white fluffy filling that tastes like chemicals and Crisco and could probably be used to embalm dead bodies.  The Fimo-like orange-flavored icing you can peel off and eat like candy.  The famous white Squiggle you can also peel off and eat by itself.    There’s probably no food that’s less healthy on earth, but who cares?  These are delicious.  The orange ones are much better than the chocolate ones, in my opinion.


30 thoughts on “My guiltiest guilty pleasure.

  1. I’m on a ketogenic diet (high fat, moderate protein and low, low carbs). To approximate the taste of those cupcakes, I would use one raw egg yoke (from organic, free-ranging chickens), heavy cream (raw, from grass-fed cows), stevia and orange extract. I’ll bet that would satisfy. But it would only work if your whole diet were in line with that strategy. Bon appetite.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This made me smile because they are my secret love! I only buy the 2 pack two or three times a year because I would eat the whole box if I had them. Now I am thinking I need to go buy some. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. yessssssss I love those!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! orange sherbert type flavoring… like those good humor push up pops creamsicles.
    I like them better than the chocolate ones…
    when hostess had its going out of business scare I was all over town stocking up on those right there!
    some people were selling hostess on ebay for like $100 a box and stuff
    I bought themall up to eat myself lol
    the suzy q’s are great and those marshmallow coconut half domes..zingers! the raspberry ones..
    but these orange are my fave
    an amped up twinkie!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I know the icing comes off in one piece and is nice and waxy.. the white swirly icing lines can be crunchy a little.. the whipped cream..creamy and the cake spongy and all that texture combo with taste explosion well
    its a winner
    and now I want one
    you know hostess competition is tasty cakes!!!!!!!!! those butterscotch tasting plain spongy ones (no icing but whipped inside)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tasty Cakes are great–The Peanut Butter Candy Cakes are to die for, and has that hard kind of candylike icing too, and just enough of that peanut butter/chocolate ratio, less sweet than a Reeses.
      I think the secret to what makes these cupcakes so yummy is like you said–the combination of different textures that all work well together.


  5. My stomach is growling now, but, these little cakes remind me of my childhood, but, a good part of it. No bad memories with these. Treats were a happy time.

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  6. Twinkies!! Ho hos!!! Ding dongs! Hostess was just too tasty to have remained in bankruptcy, and of course just too big a part of nostalgia for the yummies of our youths as baby boomers. They were stored in the freezer at our house so when I ate one of the chocolate coated specimens it made sense to do it from the outside in. We also stocked up on all of these, and also Wonder Bread and other coffee cake and danish related sweets in bulk when we purchased at the bakery outlet stores, so much more intimate than the few general grocery outlet stores that I have found in the South since I’ve lived here for the past ten years.
    Little Debbie was not a thing in the West when I was growing up out there. Her seasonally themed and otherwise goodies are everywhere around where I live now. By now, considering how many Southerners probably owe their obesity to Little Debbie, I think she’s really Big Debbie!


    • lol! I find I better eat a lot of protein after sugary indulgences to balance blood sugar instability! I feel sick after too much sugar but its just so yummy and yes nostalgic…(speaking of which I am craving a good ole peanut butter and jelly sandwich but I wonder if that’s a “wire monkey” for me! (other post,emotional eating ..I likened to wire monkey experiment :(…).. but yes.. a few hard boiled eggs or some tuna fish (no pasta or bread with it and just water)fixes me right up!
      so in moderation and with high doses of straight protein afterwards (and some exercise)
      good as new!
      or at least damage control!
      I recently bought the little Debbie brownies and I ate ..3 packs (which they say are 6 brownies)
      within 24 hours of course!
      2 packs in same evening..woke up,next day
      one pack was left
      ate it in morning with coffee
      hit the spot soooooooo gooooooood
      I see sugar free brownie mix in the store… dunno


      • I’m not really back yet, I am still working hard on my book. I just had a rough week, had a scary run-in with a narcissist in fact, so I needed to visit your blog and get my head grounded again. Your blog is awesome for that!

        I hope you will be available for hire as an editor when my book reaches that stage. I will try to find some beta readers first, people who are willing to read and critique for free. But your writing skills are too good for “free”, I want to pay you, after beta readers catch the more obvious errors. But it will probably be a few more months before I am ready for an editor. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • OMG, Linda, I would LOVE to be an editor of your book! Please let me know when you are ready! I’ll definitely be ordering a copy too, even if I’ve already read it. I want to start working on my own book soon, but need your advice as to how to go about doing that.
          It makes me feel so good that you get grounded by reading my blog. 🙂 But I’m sorry about your run in with the narc. 😦 Stay well!

          Liked by 1 person

    • you must! youll never go back/be the same.. theyre a part of history! and nothing tastes like those! orange crème taste! slight tang/tart to first bite.. I dunno,theyre heaven.

      Liked by 2 people

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