I need to get out more.


I’ve decided to join the choir at my church.

I don’t normally go in much for church-related activities, but I’ve always loved to sing and I love music, and I feel like this is a way I can encourage myself to interact with actual people in a way that might be fun and not require too much actual social interaction since we’d be spending most of the time singing and not talking.

I know that isolating myself as much as I do isn’t healthy. Introversion is fine, but not to the point where you live as a near-recluse, shunning any social involvement at all. Deliberately avoiding all social interaction isn’t going to help me conquer my Avoidant PD or my covert narcissism or whatever. While I have to accept (and do accept) that I’ll never be an extrovert or social butterfly, self improvement requires me to take this step.

Lately my isolation from others has been bothering me. I’m lonelier than I like to admit. I want to connect with people, even though it’s hard for me to do that and there’s definitely an element of anxiety. My shyness has not gone away.

If I’m ever going to meet people I can become potentially close to, just being around them in an environment where we’re sharing a fun activity (like singing) seems like a good way to start.
So tomorrow night I’ll be showing up at choir practice. I’m actually sort of excited about it!
Why limit my singing to my car where I’m my only audience?

9 thoughts on “I need to get out more.

  1. Great! Like Mary P said, I am glad you are doing this.

    I’ve been thinking about joining the church choir, too. Our church is so small, there are only 2 people now in the choir.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi Lucky Otter,
    We know so many of the same bloggers. I know ThumbUp, Dominique, Donna Parker, Just Plain Ol Vic knows me, I know Tony Burgess …
    My daughter and I love to sing. I wish I could sing better. I sang in my high school choir. I wanted to come over and thank you for visiting my site MostlyBlogging yesterday. Thank you for liking my Meet and Greet.
    PS My dad suffered from agoraphobia, so I know how hard it is to get out of the house. Good for you joining your choir.
    Nice to meet you.

    Liked by 1 person

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