Cynicism is Killing Our Democracy: The Donna Brazile, Edition

Here’s a humorous and snarky but all too true look at why cynicism is killing our democracy.  There is salty language here, but read it anyway.

The Psy of Life

We are drowning in cynicism. Cynicism is killing us! Cynicism is destroying our way of life! Honest! You’ve gotta believe me.

And the poster child for cynicism murdering American democracy is the whole Donna Brazile accusations of the Clinton campaign of kidnapping the DNC and hiding the nomination from Sanders just as he was scooping it up in his hot little hands.

A quick aside: This post is one of an interrelated series on (a) the corrosive toxic effect the Ol’ Pussy Grabber’s use of chaos and misinformation  (Deflecting to Clinton), (b) the ways social media is changing our culture and interactions (Brain Hack: the Looming Disaster), and (c) how all this is likely to affect the future of our country. The series includes posts and memes. Unfortunately, it means that general information like the Illusion of Truthiness (with appologies to Stephen Colbert)is…

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4 thoughts on “Cynicism is Killing Our Democracy: The Donna Brazile, Edition

    • People think Sanders is so far to the left, but as a nation we have moved so far to the right, that Sanders is really no more far left than LBJ — or even Nixon!


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